Neurodiversity in mainstream schools grant programme

Funding aimed at improving the school experience and academic attainment of neurodiverse young people through classroom-, school-, college- or informal learning-based research.

Research should include the trialling and testing of new approaches with the aim of contributing to key ongoing debates in the following thematic areas:

  • Improvement of life skills (ages 2-18).
  • Pathways to employment or improvement of employability skills (ages 12-18).
  • Inclusive classroom practice (ages 4-18).

Support is offered for higher education providers to achieve quality research and knowledge exchange on the above-mentioned topics.

The partner school, college (or informal learning setting) must be identified in the application and have confirmed, in writing, their willingness to participate in the research for the project to be considered. It should also be clear at the time of application whether the setting wishes to be named in the final public outputs of the project.

Value / Duration / Key Dates

The value of each individual award is up to £50,000 and there is budget for up to four projects.

The grant period will be up to 15 months, commencing in November 2024 with a final report published in January 2026. Indicative dates are below (the exact deadlines will be clarified in the final award letter).

Online enquiries meetingSeptember 5th 2024
Applications DueSeptember 25th 2024
Award DateNovember 2024
Research ConductedDecember 2024 – September 2025
Interim report DueMarch 2025
Project update meetingMay 2025
Report DueNovember 2025
Report PublishedJanuary 2026
Indicative timeline

Full details, including criteria for assessment, eligible costs and expected outputs, can be found on the opportunity webpage.

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