The Q Community, an initiative delivered by the Health Foundation and supported and co-funded by partners across the UK, is a dynamic network that brings together over 5000 professionals passionate about improving the quality of health and care.
With a focus on collaboration, learning, and innovation, Q offers a unique platform for healthcare professionals, researchers, and patients to share ideas and drive impactful change.
Members benefit in a variety of ways from the wide range of opportunities available, but one of the most exciting aspects of the Q Community is its funding initiatives. These include:
- Q Exchange: collaborative grant funding of up to £40,000 for member-led improvement projects (participants are encouraged to co-design their projects with the community, ensuring relevance and impact).
- Supporting Q Connections: funding for Q members to build and strengthen networks across the improvement landscape.
Membership also offers unparalleled access to:
- networking and events
- shared resources
- topic-focused groups
- peer learning
The community thrives from diverse points of view including those of:
- people working in formal improvement roles
- health professionals
- people with lived experience of health and care services (patients and patient representatives)
- researchers
- NHS leaders
- analysts
Q is free to join, and you don’t have to sign up to any kind of time commitment.