Conference Attendance: External Funding

Attending conferences is an important element of professional development, providing opportunities for networking, disseminating research and keeping abreast of developments in your field.

External funding for conference attendance is available – a sample of which is provided below.

When exploring external funding options, it is important to keep in mind that support purely for attendance is increasingly rare. Funding is typically tied to presenter status, meaning you should consider whether this is something you can offer.

Other top tips and considerations:

  • Make use of professional societies and associations. Many professional bodies offer travel grants or bursaries exclusively to their members and/or to attend their own events. Joining relevant bodies can therefore increase your chances of securing funding.
  • Plan ahead. Funding applications often have deadlines well in advance of the conference itself. Where membership of a specific body is required, minimum membership terms can also apply. Therefore, start your search and application process as early as possible.
  • Network. Engage with the relevant academic community to learn about less-publicised funding opportunities.
  • Make the most of your career stage. Many funding opportunities for conference attendance are dedicated career development opportunities (aimed, for example, at early career researchers).
  • Be specific. There are precious few comprehensive funding streams that encompass all academic disciplines, meaning it is best to search for conference funding on a disciplinary basis.

Funding Opportunities

Arts, humanities, social sciences

Engineering, maths, physical sciences, life sciences



Finding Conference Funding

If none of the above examples suit your needs, you can search for additional funding opportunities using tools such as the following:

  • Early Career Researchers Central (provides an up-to-date searchable list of travel grants specifically for early career researchers).
  • Pivot-RP (a searchable database of funding opportunities with filters for relevant tags such as ‘travel’ and ‘conferences’).

You may also wish to consider external funding options for organising your own conference, for example:

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