Funding to establish a new collaborative research network.
Networks should bring together diverse groupings of researchers and other stakeholders where relevant to address a clear shared research agenda (the current Responsive Mode Spotlight area is plant health, but the scheme supports research across the breadth of BBSRC scientific remit).
Networks should:
- Have a clear focus around an emerging research area or research challenge.
- Have a strong vision for the change they want to create within the research landscape during the funding period of the network.
- Represent diversity of thought and show some evidence of community co-development or buy-in.
- Demonstrate leadership and aim to strengthen capability in the UK research base.
- Integrate research communities to gain new knowledge, strengthen science disciplines and break down barriers to research progress.
- Encourage inclusion of a diverse range of individuals, disciplines and stakeholders across academia, industry, and policy relevant to the focus of the network, to ensure the outcomes and impacts of work undertaken by the network are maximised.
- Identify challenges within the equality, diversity and inclusion (EDI) space and how these can be addressed, including those experienced by minoritised and under-represented groups.
Networks are expected to:
- Include an external advisory group that provides support and advice.
- Be based in the UK and actively seek to grow the membership of the network during the award.
Multidisciplinary networks inclusive of disciplines beyond bioscience are particularly encouraged where this will strengthen delivery of the research agenda.
Funding is available for up to three years. The full economic cost (FEC) of your project can be up to £650,000. BBSRC will fund 80% of the FEC with certain exceptions.
Examples of supported activity include:
- Workshops and other events.
- Online platforms and other communications-related activities to support network activities, for example a network website.
- Salary costs for time spent on leading and managing the network.
- Administrative support to help coordinate the network.
- Flexible funding, for example supporting small projects, people exchange or training that contribute to the networks goals.
- Awards which ‘spotlight’ achievements within the network, including from individuals from under-represented groups.
- Mentoring, particularly for individuals from under-represented groups
- Travel and subsistence, including for members to meet to exchange ideas and expertise and to visit each other’s laboratories. Industrial collaborators should meet their own costs where possible.
Deadline: 25 September 2025