This new responsive mode funding opportunity supports research teams to deliver large scale projects that advance arts and humanities research agendas and transform approaches to research leadership and teams.
Projects can be single discipline, interdisciplinary, multidisciplinary, or transdisciplinary, but the majority of the disciplinary focus of the project must fall within the AHRC subject remit (see section seven of the AHRC research funding guide). Practice-based and practice-led research is supported by this funding opportunity.
Applicants are encouraged to think imaginatively about the composition of the team and to include leadership expertise from across the research ecosystem, such as technicians, professional service colleagues, representatives from non-HEI organisations as well as academics, ensuring that the team involves people at different career stages.
In doing so, applicant teams must demonstrate how they have adopted and will continue to implement the following principles throughout the development and delivery of their proposed research:
- identify individuals with the appropriate expertise to collectively deliver the project
- establish collective leadership, empowering team members to lead in their area of expertise
- design inclusive governance practices and clear decision-making processes
- identify ways to embed development for all, realised through the delivery of the project
- engage in reflexive practice, enabling adaptive ways of working and continuous learning

Applications should be submitted by a nominated lead but must be co-created with input from all named team members and partners. The nominated lead can be drawn from across the entire team and need not be an academic.
Co-leads are permitted (including international co-leads). Also welcomed are applications which involve early- and mid-career researchers as lead or co-lead and regard this programme as an important means for developing researcher capacity.
Applications with a traditional ‘principal investigator’ led project structure within this funding opportunity will not be funded.
The full economic cost (FEC) must be between £2 million and £3 million for projects lasting up to four years.
AHRC will fund 80% of the FEC. Eligible costs related to international co-leads will be paid at 100% FEC.
Key dates and support sessions
Projects have a fixed start date of 1 May 2025.
Launch webinars will take place on 23 May 2024 and 30 May 2024. These will present an overview of the funding opportunity, followed by an opportunity to ask questions. The webinars will also be recorded.
Deadline: 18 July 2024 (4pm)
Note: This is an outline stage, meaning you will only be asked for information regarding chosen research agenda, project team and the difference a Mission award will make.
Read more about the aims and background of this new funding opportunity.