Design Exchange Partnerships (DEPs) are three-way collaborative projects which seek to demonstrate tangible impact on local communities by stimulating the real-world application of high-quality arts and humanities-led design research to address challenges related to achieving green transition goals.
In this round, funding is available to develop design-led solutions around the theme of more-than-human design.
More-than-human design refers to the idea of designing for impact beyond humans. It promotes the idea that, to explore the future we face, we also need to consider the non-human centred world view. Interpretations of the theme of more-than-human include, but are not limited to, one or more of the following areas:
- the natural world
- materials
- health and wellbeing
- urban environments
- technology and artificial intelligence (AI)
Projects may focus on any challenges or areas that will support progress towards green transition goals including, but not limited to, any combination of:
- green initiatives and policies, such as improving the design and delivery of green policies and initiatives to more effectively support behaviour change
- technical, such as design and testing of new prototypes or other interventions that advance technology readiness levels (TRLs)
- economic or commercial, such as design of new business models or interventions that advance market readiness levels (MRLs)
- structural, such as infrastructure planning and decarbonisation provision
The project should also demonstrate human-centred design research processes and thinking. You can include activities to:
- develop high-value innovation opportunities and define what makes a desirable, fit-for-purpose solution
- create ideas for new or significantly improved products or services
- test and improve ideas by using fast, low-cost visuals, prototypes or simulations
- clearly communicate ideas ready for further investment, and research and development activity
- understand human motivations and behaviour through, for example, observation, interviews, role-play and workshops
In terms of eligible partnerships, each project must involve:
- one early career arts and humanities design research associate (including those undertaking doctoral studies in an arts and humanities design-led discipline). For this funding opportunity we are taking a flexible approach to defining early career and will accept applications including research associates at other career stages who can justify the value of this project to their own development. This position is open to job share arrangements
- at least one academic supervisor who will be named as project lead for the purposes of administering the award
- at least one non-academic organisation with a specific challenge relevant to the overarching theme of Design the Green Transition, which can be addressed through the ongoing application of design-led research carried out by the research associate
The full economic cost of your project can be either up to £62,500 for six months or £125,000 for 12 months. You must apply for either six or 12 months duration for your project. AHRC will fund 80% of the full economic cost (FEC), while the non-academic partner is required to provide a minimum contribution of 10% of the FEC.
Deadline: 12 September 2024