Association for the Study of Medical Education Small Grants

Funding to support a research study in the field of medical or other healthcare education.

Some educational research projects require modest amounts of funding to cover expenses such as focus group attendance, travel, and simulated patient fees. These grants are intended to assist such projects. They cannot be used to pay course fees, computing equipment, overheads, research assistants/associates and similar. 

Successful applicants will be invited to submit an application for presentation at the Annual Scholarship Meeting (ASM) after their project has been completed. 


This award is open to ASME Members (including employees of institutions that are ASME members).

First time applicants for research funding are welcome.


The maximum award per individual or project under the scheme is £5000 (bids for smaller amounts of funding are welcomed and encouraged). 

Projects should ideally finish within six months.


Deadline: 28 April 2025

Further details, including how to apply, award criteria and past recipients, can be found on the opportunity webpage. See also the assessment document below.

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