Funding for early career researchers whose work has had international impact and whose future research career is exceptionally promising – to use for any research purpose.
Applications will be considered in the following broad subject areas:
- Archaeology
- Chemistry
- Economics
- Engineering
- Geography
- Languages and Literatures
In line with guidance from the Leverhulme Trust, subject areas are intentionally broad and nominations will be considered irrespective of a nominee’s departmental affiliation. Note also that when considering if your research is within Leverhulme’s remit for Chemistry, the below two research areas are excluded:
- studies of disease, illness and disabilities in humans and animals
- research that is intended to inform clinical practice or the development of medical applications
*Due to institutional caps in each subject area, an internal selection process will apply to this call (see document below).
Nominees must hold either a permanent post or a long-term fellowship in a UK University with research degree awarding powers that would extend beyond the duration of the Philip Leverhulme Prize. Those otherwise without salary are not eligible to be nominated.
Nominees should be within 10 years of their PhD award date.
Each prize is worth £100,000 for between two and three years.
Expenditure from the award may be used for any purpose related to the advancement of the winner’s research, provided that the items of expenditure fall within the categories normally eligible for Leverhulme funding.
Eligible items of expenditure include:
- research assistance
- teaching replacement
- travel and subsistence
- consumables (including specialist books, databases and similar materials)
- technical support
- computer equipment and software
Ineligible items of expenditure are:
- capital equipment
- augmentation of the Prize Winner’s salary
- institutional overheads
University of Worcester internal selection deadline: 24 February 2025
Full application deadline: 14 May 2025
Decisions will be made by the end of November 2025
Funded Research to commence between 1 December 2025 and 1 November 2026
Full details can be found on the opportunity webpage and in the below guidance documents.
Grants previously awarded under this scheme can be viewed on Pivot-RP (log-in required – get set up here if you have not already done so).