Funding for innovative projects that engage and empower the public by improving understanding of dementia and sharing the benefits of dementia research.
Applications are accepted from individuals, organisations and communities with ideas, passion and ability to realise innovative public engagement projects on the topic of dementia. They can be from inside or outside the research community and could include dementia researchers, community groups, artists, creative organisations, and people in charge of cultural spaces such as museums and libraries.
Projects can use a range of methods to engage with their audience and applicants are encouraged to consider their audience when selecting methods of engagement, to ensure people are able to take part.
Projects must meet the following core criteria:
- Projects must engage with underserved audiences on the topic of dementia, such as minority ethnic communities, marginalised or socio-economically disadvantaged people.
- Build knowledge and understanding about brain health (in the context of dementia risk reduction) and explore ways to encourage behaviour change.
Applicants are encouraged to forge links with collaborators or groups to grow the scale of ideas and the impact of the projects.
The grant is intended to cover:
- Salaries or fees for people who are essential to the proposal such as project lead, researchers, artists or consultants that aren’t already covered by another grant.
- Participant costs if relevant.
- Materials and consumables.
- Equipment that is essential to the project.
- Production costs, including marketing.
- Travel and subsistence relevant to the proposal.
- Room hire.
- Catering.
- Accessibility costs (e.g. BSL translation).
- Evaluation and dissemination of the work.
- Contingency (up to 5% of total cost).
In terms of restrictions, funding is not available for the following:
- Projects where research is the primary purpose.
- Projects that will take place outside of the UK (projects can, however, have consultants, collaborators or partners based outside the UK).
- Projects providing dementia care or other front-line services (including arts therapy).
- Projects judged to be using the scheme to further the commercial interests of an organisation.
- Covering the cost of projects that are part of an organisation’s usual programme of activities.
- Costs incurred before your project starts.
- Loans, investments or capital costs.
- Emergency, top-up or maintenance funding.
Seed funding of up to £5,000 per project is available to new grant holders.
Follow on funding grants of up to £20,000 per project will also be available to past Inspire Fund grant holders, to grow the scale and impact of their previous projects (previous grant holders interested in follow-on funding should contact the Involvement & Engagement team for further information –
Key Dates
An information webinar for potential applicants to find out more about the scheme and ask questions took place on 17 September 2024 (recording below).
Deadline: 14 October 2024
Further details including examples of previously funded projects can be found on the Alzheimer’s Research UK website.