Funding for transnational projects to address key urban challenges facing cities in the transition to a more sustainable economy.
Project Teams
Project teams must include partners from at least three different countries who are participating in the funding opportunity. At least two of these must be countries that are EU member states or associated to Horizon Europe (the latter includes the UK).
All project teams must also include at least one urban government authority (this can be in a funded or unfunded capacity).
The UK research part of the project must be social science led (at least 50% within ESRC’s remit). However, inclusion of arts and humanities and engineering and physical science researchers in projects is strongly encouraged.
Funding is available for additional eligible UK collaborators, including other research entities such as not for profit or public sector organisations. The inclusion of such collaborators is not mandatory for the UK but is strongly encouraged.
The Driving Urban Transition (DUT) partnership focuses on three critical urban sectors (and their interrelationships) which are laid out in its roadmap as Transition Pathways that provide the framework for this funding opportunity:
- Circular urban economies
- Positive energy districts
- 15-minute cities
Project proposals that address topics from more than one Transition Pathway are encouraged. However, each proposal needs to choose one topic in a Transition Pathway that is closest to their subject as a guide.
UK funding is only available for UK-led components of proposals that address topics under the ‘15-minute city’ thematic area. The themes in the 15-minute city transition pathway are:
- Sustainable urban mobility
- People-centred urban planning
- Smart logistics
The three topics within this pathway are:
- Advancing urban mobility: innovations for inclusive and youth-centric mobility systems.
- Reconsidering urban mobility systems: towards system innovation and proximity policies for sustainable city regions.
- Evidence for the urban mobility transition – data and indicators for effective decision-making.
Funding is available for three years and the full economic cost of the UK part of your project can be up to £400,000.
Pre-proposal deadline: 14 November 2024
Full stage proposal deadline: 24 April 2025
Additional Resources
- Further details can be found in the guidance below and on the opportunity webpage.
- The UK funders will host a webinar providing further information on UK eligibility requirements (more information on this will be provided when the call is updated).
- There will be DUT organised information sessions on 10 September 2024 and 9 October 2024 (more information, including timings and registration, will be made available on the DUT 2024 webpage).
- A matchmaking tool is available to facilitate the process of forming research consortia.